The Fall of the Berlin Wall and the Organization of Peace Yesterday and Today
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Lucio Levi
Member of UEF Federal Committee, Former President of UEF Italy
Thirty years ago on November 9, 1989, freedom celebrated one of the most splendid victories ever occurred in history. The fall of the Berlin wall, the collapse of the communist regimes and the dismantlement of the iron curtain paved the way to the end of the Cold War and the unification of East and West Germany, and Eastern and Western Europe.
Berlin: from Wall to Gateway
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Enrique Barón Crespo
Member of the Spanish Congreso de los Diputados (1977-87), Constitutional Father, Former President of the European Parliament (1989-1992) and member of it (1986-2008). President of UEF-Spain
30 years ago, the Berlin Wall, which had transformed the Hellenic Brandenburg Gate from the historical access to the city into an impassable barrier, fell. With symbolic intent, the quadriga crowning the gate, which once Napoleon had taken to Paris, was turned to face the other way.
Political Education in Germany*
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Alessandro Cavalli
Professor of Sociology at the University of Pavia, Italy
There are many reasons why Germany is a Sonderfall, a special case. Also in terms of political education. There is no other country that has done and continues to do as much as Germany to educate citizens about democracy. The causes of this specialty obviously lie in the history of the 1900s and above all,....
A Middle East Helsinki Conference: NGO Action Needed
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Rene Wadlow
President, Association of World Citizens
On 23 July 2019, the Russian Government’s paper “Collective Security for the Persian Gulf Region” was presented in Moscow by the Deputy Foreign Minister, Mikhail Bogdanov.
The EU’s Reform Proposal for the International Trade Dispute Resolution
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Andrea Cofelice
Research Fellow at the Centre for Studies on Federalism, Torino, Italy
For a European Migration-Policy
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Alfonso Sabatino and Antonio Longo
Alfonso Sabatino is Member of the Central Committee of UEF-Italy
Antonio Longo is Editor of the bi-monthly journal L'Unità europea
Federalism is the Only Solution to Problems Facing Hong Kong and Kashmir
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W. James Arputharaj
President of South Asian Federalists; Executive member of WFM; Coordinator for India for the UN Parliamentary Assembly Campaign
Kashmir is not for sale. Someone commented, observing the Indo-Pak conflict which is mainly over Kashmir, that both India and Pakistan are fighting over Kashmir as dogs would fight over a bone. Kashmir does belong only to the people of Kashmir, who were independent of India and Pakistan.
The Amazon: neither Savage, nor the World’s Lungs or Granary
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Leonardo Boff
Eco-Theologian-Philosopher and member of the Earth Charter Commission
The Pan-Amazon Synod that took place in Rome this October, requires a better knowledge of the Amazon ecosystem. Myths must be ferreted out.
Ursula Hirschmann, a Woman for the United States of Europe
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Giulio Saputo
Chief Editor of the online journal Eurobull
The disappearance of Immanuel Wallerstein
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Giampiero Bordino
Professor in Contemporary History and Political Analyst. President of the Einstein Center for International Studies
At almost 89 years, on August 31, 2019, Immanuel Wallerstein, one of the greatest contemporary historians and sociologists, passed away. He has been a witness and interpreter of the era of successes, contradictions and crises of capitalism, of great international conflicts and the “cold war”, ....
Alexandre Lamfalussy: Founding Father and Wise Man behind the Euro
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Ivo Maes
Senior Advisor for Historical Studies, Research Department, National Bank of Belgium. Member of Robert Triffin International
What Remains To Be Done
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Antonio Padoa Schioppa
Emeritus Professor of History of Law at the University of Milan, Italy. Former President of the Centre for Studies on Federalism.
In these weeks and these months, the debate about the future of the European Union intensified more than it ever has in the past. The European election has forced the political classes to take sides in an explicit or at least somewhat clear way.
Towards a European Political Space*
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Pierre Jouvenat
Former UN/WTO senior official and active member of UEF-France
A Defense without a State Doesn’t Have a Sense, but even a State without Defense. Towards a New Form of European Statehood?
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Domenico Moro
Board member of the Centre for Studies on Federalism, Torino, Italy
A Green New Deal for the New European Legislature
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Alberto Majocchi
Emeritus Professor of Finance at the University of Pavia and Vice President of the Centre for Studies on Federalism
In the new term of the European Parliament, one certain priority is the need to come up with an agenda to manage the structural interventions necessary for the sustainable development of the European economy, in particular to address the dramatic problem of climate change.
The European Council, Improvisation and the Politics of Events
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Jean-Guy Giraud
Former clerck of the European Court of Justice, Former Director of the European Parliament, Former President of the UEF-France
UN Parliamentary Assembly Model Tested in Buenos Aires
- Federalist Action
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Clara Subirachs
Active member of Democracia Global
A Novel about the Beginnings of the Ventotene Manifesto
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Mario Leone
Deputy Director of the Spinelli Institute, Regional Secretary in Lazio of UEF-Italy
For a Global Multilevel Participatory Democracy
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Giampiero Bordino
Professor in Contemporary History and Political Analyst. President of the Einstein Center for International Studies
For a Reasonable Governance of the World
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Antonio Mosconi
Research Department, Robert Triffin International
Highlights and Achievements of the World Federalist Movement during the Last 25 Years. An interview with Bill Pace
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Fergus Watt
Executive Director of WFM-Canada and Chairperson of the WFM-IGP Executive Committee. He is also a member of the UN2020 Initiative’s Coordination Group
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