Trump’s Wrong Policy in the Middle East and Macron’s Mistake
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Lucio Levi
Member of WFM Council and UEF Federal Committee, Former President of UEF Italy
On the night between 13 and 14 April, 2018, the armed forces of the United States, the United Kingdom and France bombed three sites in Syria connected with the production of chemical weapons, which Assad used on 7 April against the civil population in Douma near Damascus.
European Neighborhood and Marshall Plan with Africa: a Federalist Point of View
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Paolo Ponzano
Lecturer of EU legislative process and governance at the European College of Parma, Italy; Special Advisor, former Director of the Secretariat-General of the European Commission
The federalist thought is based at the same time on the theory of “raison d’état” (which has its origin in Machiavelli) and on the conception of world peace expressed by Immanuel Kant. On the one hand, the State is the irreplaceable instrument for making possible the coexistence of men in the framework of the societies based on the division of labor and the market economy (as were formed in Europe since the end of the Middle Ages).
A New Narrative for Migrations*
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Marie-Christine Vergiat
MEP/Party of the European Left
Migratory movements in time and in space
Population movements are an inherent part of the history of humanity and Europe has not always been a place of immigration. Our history is founded on population movements, wars and invasions.
UN Reform: Where Are We Now?
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Andrea Cofelice
Research Fellow at the Centre for Studies on Federalism, Torino, Italy
With the publication of An Agenda for Peace (1992), An Agenda for Development (1994) and An Agenda for Democratisation (1996), the then-UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali launched an ambitious program to reform the United Nations, in order to strengthen, democratise and adapt the Organisation’s structure and working methods to the changed international context, marked by the end of the Cold War.
Death Penalty in the World: Amnesty International REport 2018
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The Genocide Convention: An Unused but not Forgotten Standard of World Law Relevant to Myanmar
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Rene Wadlow
President and Representative to the UN-Geneva, Association of World Citizens
SDR and Bitcoins: Competition or Cooperation?
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Elena Flor
Secretary General and Managing Director, Robert Triffin International
Christine Lagarde – the IMF Managing Director – in her recent speech[i] on the 20th anniversary of the Bank of England’s independence, wondered whether virtual currencies – like the Bitcoin – pose a challenge to the current system of currencies and central banks.
Can We Unite for Peace?
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Keith Best
Chair Executive Committee WFM-IGP
The Gender Provisions of the Rome Statute as a Tool to Promote Women’s Rights and Women’s Leadership in International Justice
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Jelena Pia-Comella
Deputy Executive Director, World Federalist Movement – Institute for Global Policy
The United States and Its Foreign Policy: Searching for the Lost Federalism
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Michele Ballerin
Former Vice-Secretary of UEF-Italy
There’s a feature in the USA cultural life which has always amazed me, particularly in the way Americans perceive themselves and their own history: they are considerably proud of the first chapter of their adventure – the independence war against Great Britain –, while they pay a far weaker enthusiasm to the second – the Philadelphia Convention and the birth of the first federation in history, in 1787.
Tribute to Bernard Abel Lesfargues
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Jean-Francis Billion
Member of UEF France Executive Bureau, UEF Federal Committee and WFM Council
A Change of Mentality: from Confrontation to Cooperation *
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Federica Mogherini
High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission
I will get to the State of the European Union in a minute, but let me first spend a few words on the state of the world today, also because the two are clearly interconnected.
The state of the world today is a state of chaos, a confused proliferation of crises, where conflictuality and confrontation seem to prevail over rationality.
President Macron’s Call for a «Sovereign Europe »
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Dusan Sidjanski
Professor Emeritus, University of Geneva. Dusan Sidjanski Centre of Excellence in European Studies
In the light of the EU’s existential crisis, President Macron, a truly committed European, has proposed his vision for a “sovereign Europe”. The bottom line is that the Union is not, or rather is insufficiently equipped with sovereign powers.
Towards a New Architecture of the Euro Area
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Alberto Majocchi
Emeritus Professor of Finance at the University of Pavia. Vice President of the Centre for Studies on Federalism
The paper “A Constructive Approach to Euro Area Reform”[i] prepared by 14 Franco-German economists represents a major step forward in the debate on the problems and reform of the euro area – after the various contributions of the European Commission – and has strong political significance, in particular thanks to the contribution of Jean Pisani-Ferry, who was responsible for the programme during Emmanuel Macron’s presidential campaign.
For a Europe of the Regions
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Henri Malosse
Former President of the European Union Economic and Social Council
“Someday this small island will surprise Europe”, said Jean-Jacques Rousseau, speaking of Corsica in Le Contrat social.
A verdict without appeal in favour of “the nationalists”
In spite of the high number of non-voters, the more than 56% of votes for the nationalist coalition in the elections in Corsica on December 10, 2017, indicate a support for their ideas and not a rejection of the local political class as it is wrongly believed in Paris.
Multi-Level-Federalism as a Principle to Solve Problems in Europe and to Increase the Acceptance of European Integration
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Otto Schmuck
UEF-Vicepresident, Member of the Board of Europa-Union Deutschland
Transnational Lists: a False Good Idea
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Pierre Jouvenat
Former UN/WTO senior official and active member of UEF-France
It is generally thought that only transnational lists can give elections to the European Parliament a real European dimension. However, there exists another alternative which is more likely to be approved by the Council and which corresponds to the long-term federalist vision. This would be attributing all of the votes to European political parties while maintaining national quotas, national and regional constituencies.
Launch at ICC of Civil Society Forum to Commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the Rome Statute
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The 20th Anniversary of the ICC Commemorated in Buenos Aires
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A World Parliament: Governance and Democracy in the 21st Century
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Nicola Vallinoto
WFM Council member
Andreas Bummel and Jo Leinen
A World Parliament: Governance and Democracy in the 21st Century
Berlin, Democracy without Borders, 2018
“A World Parliament: Governance and Democracy in the 21st Century”, authored by Jo Leinen, MEP, and Andreas Bummel, director of UNPA Campaign, has been published by Democracy Without Borders on 11 April 2018.
Regional Integration and Democracy in Africa
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Lucio Levi
Member of WFM Council and UEF Federal Committee, Former President of UEF Italy
A New French Edition of the Ventotene Manifesto
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Michel Theys
Editorialist of the daily bulletin Agence Europe
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