Home Year XXX, Number 1, March 2017

The Response of Federalists to the Trump Election

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    Joseph Baratta

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    Professor of World History and International Relations at the Worcester State College, USA

The vote was a protest from the working classes against globalization — or, from a federalist point of view, against globalization without government to keep the markets fair.  The American people want globalization to slow down and preserve their jobs. They will take their chances with protectionism and isolationism.


Juncker Plan and Trump Plan: Infrastructures for the Market or for the Citizens?

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    Olimpia Fontana

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    Research Fellow at the Centre for Studies on Federalism, Torino, Italy

"Overcoming Indifference": Over 100,000 Demonstrate for World Peace and Against Violence at Peace March in Italy

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A New Ambition to Overcome the Existential Crisis of the European Project

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    Josep Borrell

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    Former President of the European Parliament and former President of the European University Institute


Welfare for the European Union in the Age of Globalisation*

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    Alfonso Iozzo

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    President of the Centre for Studies on Federalism and Vice President of Robert Triffin International


Political Communication in the Age of Populism

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    Aleksandra Garlinska

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    Political advisor to the chairwoman of the EP Constitutional Affairs Committee, Executive Board member of UEF Group Europe and Member of the Federal Committee of the European Federalists


Losses of Memory in Europe

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    Barbara Spinelli

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    Vice-President of the Committee on Constitutional Affairs of the European Parliament

Altiero Spinelli Doctoral Scholarships Approved by the European Parliament

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Europe and Migrants. For a Shared Project of Our Future

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    Giampiero Bordino

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    Professor in Contemporary History and Political Analyst. President of the Einstein Center for International Studies


Loosening the Link between Federalism and Secession*

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    Karlo Basta

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    Assistant Professor at the Department of Political Science, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, Canada, and EURAC-Federal Scholar in Residence 2016, Bolzano, Italy, with the winning paper

Migration Compact and African Growth

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    Alberto Majocchi

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    Professor of Public Finance at the University of Pavia, Vice President of the Centre for Studies on Federalism, Torino, Italy


Why South Africa Is Questioning International Justice

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    Roberto Toscano

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    Former Italy’s Ambassador to Iran (2003-2008) and to India (2008-2010), Editorialist of the newspaper La Repubblica

Continuing Genocidal Dangers of the Darfur Conflicts

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    Rene Wadlow

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    President and Representative to the UN-Geneva, Association of World Citizens

Israel: Democracy at Risk

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    Yossi Amitay

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    Lecturer on Middle East Studies at Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheva, Israel; Former Director of the Israeli Academic Center in Cairo


Venezuela: Victims and Victimizers

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    Gretel Ledo

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    International Political Analyst. Master in International Relations Europe – Latin America (Università di Bologna). Attorney, Political Scientist and Sociologist

Reimagining the United Nations: A 2020 Vision

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    Tad Daley

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    Director of The Project on Abolishing War at the Center for War/Peace Studies in New York (www.abolishingwar.org)


Toward Global Political Integration: Time for a World Parliamentary Assembly

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    Andreas Bummmel

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    Co-founder and Director of the Committee for a Democratic United Nations (KDUN) in Berlin and coordinator of the Campaign for a UN Parliamentary Assembly (CUNPA)

Narrow Nationalism vs World Citizenship and Global Conscience

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    Roger Kotila

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    Vice President of the Democratic World Federalists

The Call from COP22 at Marrakech: There Is No Time to Waste!

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    Roberto Palea

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    Member and former President of the Centre for Studies on Federalism



COP22 on climate in Marrakech from 7 to 18 November 2016 was the first meeting after the memorable  conclusion of the Paris Agreement on Climate signed by 194 Parties, which came into effect on 4 November 2016 after enough Parties of the Convention (55) together producing not less than 55% of total greenhouse gases had ratified the agreement.

The election of Donald Trump as President of the United States (which had also ratified the Agreement) – a well-known “denier” of the influence of human activity on global warming, sharply contrasting with what had been acknowledged in the Paris Agreement – has forced the American delegation to drop their proactive stance and take a more prudent position.

The COP22 was consequently an interim Conference which resulted in no further progress towards reducing CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.

The final resolution, which was approved unanimously, underscored the importance of the Paris Agreement, reaffirming “all its ambitious goals”, and hoped that the action of governments will be driven “by science, business and global action of all types at all levels”.

A significant number of countries together with a large number of companies (including some oil companies) and NGOs, formed the “Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action” in whose founding declaration the participants’ “call is loud and clear: nothing can stop global climate action” and they undertook to present proposals for limiting emissions starting from the period 2017-2020, unlike the Paris Agreement which defers every effect to the period after 2020.  This has been criticized by federalists as “contradictory to the stated need to take action without delay”.

Very important and significant was the forthright appeal made by Pope Francis to the Heads of State and Government present at Marrakech.

The Pope insists that the Paris commitments must be implemented “without delay”, otherwise the countries will be guilty of failing in their “serious ethical and moral responsibility”.

The following important points were also included:

  • nations must work together in building our common home”;
  • after Paris we must “now go into the more practical side of elaborating rules, institutional mechanisms, and formulating the elements necessary for the proper and effective implementation” of the Paris Agreement;
  • these issues cannot be simply delegated to technical experts “but require continuous political support and encouragement based on the conviction that we are one single human family” “There are no barriers, political or social, behind which we can hide, still less is there room for the globalization of indifference.

Furthermore the Catholic Church presented an Interfaith Statement signed by 298 spiritual leaders from 50 countries including Buddhists, Hindus, Quakers, Muslims, Sikhs, Protestants, and also the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu: a very forward-looking and concrete document that emphasizes the need to move beyond the age of carbon for the survival of humanity.

The United States’ no longer active role has been offset by the Vatican delegation that has tirelessly fought for the advancement of the decarbonization of the world by means of collective institutions.

The Paris Agreement has paved the way for federalist and environmentalist suggestions to set up a world organization for the environment which would have supranational powers and would be given $100m a year (which is the amount given to the Green Climate Fund), with the task of managing the decarbonization process of the global economy, to be swiftly set up (Trump permitting).

Representatives of the major faiths are now in agreement with the environmentalists on the proposal, giving it further impetus.

Also the action of the EU delegation was coherent and in line with its traditional leadership role.

At the same time, however, climate scientists are sending up red flags.

After two successive record-breaking years, 2016 is shaping up to be the hottest ever registered.

“If we don’t start taking additional action now” warned UN Environment Programme head, Erik Solheim, “we will grieve over the avoidable human tragedy”.

Secretary-General of the United Nations: a Very Uncomfortable Seat

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Euro against Welfare?

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    Alessandro Cavalli

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    Professor of Sociology at the University of Pavia, Italy


The US Military History and European Defense

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    Domenico Moro

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    Member of the Executive Board of UEF-Italy and the Federal Committee of UEF

The Rediscovery of a Moroccan-Jewish World Federalist from the 1940s

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    Oded Gilad

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    Director and co-founder of One World - Movement for Global Democracy, registered in Israel. A council member of the WFM-IGP


Economics and the Tall Tales of the Independence of Catalonia

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    Pilar Llorente

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    Member of the Federal Committee of UEF

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