Unemployment in the Globalization Age
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Lucio Levi
President of UEF Italy, Member of WFM Council and UEF Federal Committee
The 100th anniversary of WWI offers the opportunity to compare the current crisis with those occurred during the past century. The two World Wars, the great depression, fascism and nazism are aspects of the crisis of the nation-state. In fact, this form of state was unable to master the transition from the first to the second stage of industrial revolution, which pushed to the top of world power hierarchy states as large as world regions, like the US and the USSR, and brought about the decay of the European nations. What distinguishes the current crisis is the contradiction between globalization of economy and civil society, and the macro-regional dimension of the major states, which cannot master global phenomena, such as the financial and economic crisis, and submit the financial oligarchies to their will. Unemployment has reached the record level of 26 million jobless, i.e. 12% of the EU's population.
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Antonio Mosconi
President of the Einstein Center for International Studies, Torino (Italy)
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Mahmoud Shahriar Sharei
Doctoral candidate in International Law at the University of Kent Law School, Brussels Campus (BSIS), Member of WFM Council and of the board of directors of Democratic World Federalists
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Klaus Schlichtmann
Ph.D., Instructor, Nihon University, Tokyo
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Fernando A. Iglesias
World Federalist Movement Council Chairman, President of Democracia Global - Argentina, Director of the Spinelli Chair (CUIA)
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Alessandro Cavalli
Professor of Sociology at the University of Pavia, Italy
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Barbara Spinelli
Columnist of the Italian Newspaper la Repubblica
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