A Chance for Peace Talks on Syria
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Lucio Levi
President of UEF Italy, Member of WFM Council and UEF Federal Committee
The use of chemical weapons on the Damascus suburbs brought a wave of indignation in international public opinion and led to US President Obama threatening a retaliatory strike against Syria. This threat did not receive the expected support either in the US Congress where its reception was at best tepid nor in Britain: witness Cameron’s defeat in the House of Commons. Lack of support was also widespread among the international community in general though with the notable exception of France. The common view was in fact that a military attack would not only result in further civilian casualties, but would also increase the risk of the conflict spreading to the rest of the Middle East, a region which had already become unstable following the widespread democratic movement known as the Arab Spring plus inherited religious conflicts and the infiltration of terrorism. For all these reasons world peace would be endangered.
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